The Tokyo Design Studio Tayo Kom is a true centerpiece, inspired by the lively Asakusa Matsuri festival in Tokyo. With its stunning design and convenient 550 ml capacity, this sake cup is perfect for serving sake or other beverages. It is crafted with attention to detail and craftsmanship, and its dimensions of 14.8 x 7 cm make it an elegant and functional piece for your table. Add a touch of Japanese style to your drinking experience with the Tayo Kom from Tokyo Design Studio.
Tokyo Design Studio – Asakusa – Matsuri – Tayo bowl – 14.8×7 cm – 550 ml
€9,95 €9,45
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Article number | 21553 |
Made in | Japan |
Material | Porcelain |
Product description
The Tokyo Design Studio Tayo Kom is a true eye-catcher, inspired by the vibrant Asakusa Matsuri festival in Tokyo.
With its beautiful design and convenient size of 550 ml, this sake cup is ideal for serving sake or other beverages.
Made with attention to detail and craftsmanship, its dimensions of 14.8 x 7 cm make it an elegant and functional piece for your table.
Add a touch of Japanese style to your drinking experience with the Tayo Kom from Tokyo Design Studio.
Tokyo Design Studio Tayo Kom, Asakusa Matsuri festival, sake cup, 550 ml, Japanese style, table decoration, Tokyo Design Studio, Tayo Kom, sake drinking, Japanese culture, craftsmanship, elegant design, 14.8 x 7 cm, Tokyo, Asakusa Matsuri, Tokyo Design Studio Tayo Kom, Japanese style, table decoration, sake drinking, craftsmanship, elegant design, 550 ml, 14.8 x 7 cm.